- Poster's age : 28
- Mobile :
- City : Springfield
- Location : Springfield, Springfield branson and surrounding area
CliCk Me!! Im eXaCtLy WaT uR LoOkInG 4! BrAnD nEw pIcS. DoNt MiSs OuT oN tHe ChAnCe Of a LiFeTiMe - 22
Posted : Monday, January 27, 2025 02:49 AM | 6 views
Hey guys!!! I'm Candace 💋
I'm a super freaky snowbunny with velvet soft skin blue eyes and long dark hair. I excel at everything I do and I kno exactly wat ur body wants and needs so brace for the slippery 💦 and wild ride ur about ta experience
🚫No time wasters
🚫Pimps or drug dealers
💖LOVE Truckers
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