Fri 10 Jan
Out-Going, Sensual All American Beauty!!! Tiffany* Sexy and Extra Petite *INCall* *Outcall*Ft.Wood - 21
(Springfield, fort wood st robert)
(( PaSSiONATE & iNDEPENDENT BrUNETTE )) 1st CLaSS HoTTiE W/ A {[ KiLLeR BoDy!]} ◄== - 27
(Springfield, Springfield Area Incall / Outcall)
NEW PIC'S (( PaSSiONATE & iNDEPENDENT )) 1st CLaSS HoTTiE W/ A {[ KiLLeR BoDy!]} ◄== - 27
(Springfield, Springfield Area Incall/Outcall* New Pic)
NeW PiCs**** $100 SpECial ***** New Pics***** SpeCial $100-- ***** **** New Pics * Special - 33
💲💲💲🌹🌹🌹💋💋💋🍒🍒🍒FuN TiMeS WiTh 2 BeAuTiEs WoRtH yOuR WhILe So WhAt U wAiTiNg 4? 🍒🍒🍒💋💋💋🌹🌹🌹💲 - 23
(Springfield, springfield mo)
LAST ChAnCE Don't SeTTLe FoR LeSS ThAn ThE BEST 70$ Deals ((Visting)) CUDDLE BUNNY 4 U 2 Make MaGiC - 25
(Springfield, Outcall Deals!!!)
•F• __ •I• __ •R• __ •E• __ •C• __ •R• __ •A• __ •C• __ •K• __ •E• __ •R• - 28
(Springfield, Incall & Outcall Avaliable North)
Chelsea bee😘😍here visiting Branson mo💙🌏💍inCall or OutCall , Mexican && white - 19 - 19
(Branson, Mo, Springfield)
Eager to play♡¤♥ outcall♡¤♥ dont let this go untouched♡¤♥ guarantee the best ♡¤♥ - 25
(Springfield, outcall only)
Beware JENNA is a FAKE on the AD Froom Last night this is BRIDGETTE and sh is using my PICTURES!
(This Girl using my pics is in springfie)
Blonde 👱Hottie with a BODY➡Abs, Ass, & Legs➡TIGHT & TONED! 《new lingerie , c-u-m see me in it--NOW 😘》 - 28
(incall/ outcall ●Local Provider●, Springfield)
▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ______❤️______ ❡i η❡ℰR ___ Doℓℓ ______❤️______ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ - 39
(Joplin, NWA, Joplin & Springfield, Springfield)
(_!_)all natural redhead ball of "f¥re"(_!_)☆new pics☆*incall/outcall* - 38
(Springfield, Springfield{in/out})
attention springfield gentlemen I'm Katt the that purrs !!!!;-) - 24
(Springfield, Springfield/ Outcall)
B3TT3R TH@N ↑↑↑ @ND ↓↓↓ L3T M3 G1VE Y0U 3V3RYTH1NG Y0U'VE @LW@Y$ W@NT3D!!! - 22
(Springfield, Fort Leonard Wood/Waynesville/St. Robert)
#1 Choice♥ •••• ► █ █ ►Kara is BACK ◄ █ █ ◄ •••• ♥ - -Well REVIEWED - 25
(Springfield, S-Field ( in call avail)Outcall)
♥◆▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ♥β£AUtiFUL βL0ND3♥╠╣ERE TØ §ATi§F¥♥ [§K¡LL§ THAT W¡LL AMAZ€ U]♥ - 23
(Springfield, incall-outcall near route 66)
2_(¯`·T o P__ ☆___ n O t C h___ ★___ C u T i eS.·´¯) Passing ThrU!!! - 24
(Springfield, springfied in & outcall)
ASK ABOUT TWO GIRL SPECIALS!!! ★'BEST of the BEST ° (( outcall specials )) - 21
(Springfield, springfield OUTCALL)
100 Spec ☆ 1 OF A KIND ★ LONG Silky Leggz SEXY Curves Brunette HOTTIE ★ ☆ - 28
(Springfield, Springfield Incall / Outcall)
2_(¯`·T o P_.★. ___ n O t C h___. ★.___ C u T i eS.·´¯) DONT MISS OUT BOYS! - 24
(Springfield, Springfeid in & outcall)
X ♥ X ♥ SWEET & JuCee EXOTiC Goddess X ♥ X ♥ 100 Monday - 69
(Springfield, Springfield & LEAVE 100% Satisfied ¡)
TrUe DefiNiTiOn Of SeXy ☆ ClAsSy uPsCaLe BrUNeTTe 100% ReaL & InDePeNdeNT! 100 HaLf hR - 28
(Springfield, Springfield Incalls/Outcall Special 24/7)
Well REVIEWED ❥ ——--——▓►#1 K.C. Kara❤ Barbie doll◄▓----❤Busty Lil VIXEN ————❥ - 25
(Springfield, S-field Outcall/north in call)
"~ToUcH M" Tŧ M (F L M) SÕ MÅNY CHÕIC S but NÕN LIK M !~" 100 SPCL!!!! - 21
°°√ Try Me Baby I Can Assure You That You Will Be Satisfied √°° - 22
(Springfield, Incall°°Outcall Springfield, Republic)
UnFoRgEttAbLe ★GoRgEoUs☆ StuNNiNg ♥ SiMpLyAmAziNg♥ HAppY HoUr EvEniNg SpEciALz 4-9pM! - 27
(Springfield, SFLD ArEa♥In/OuTcaLL♥)
*sOoOo SEXY * aLL NaTuRaL BrUNeTTe HoTTie w/ KiLLeR LeGGz & aMaZiNg BoDy * 100 iN & 180 OuT sPeCiAL - 28
(Springfield, South Springfield Incall/Outcalls)
Sexy!! «~» Fun!! «~» Amazing!! only ~{ two } weeks left!! available All night!!~~~ - 45
(Springfield, Springfield area incall / outcall)
°SeXy*SweeT*BlOnDe* BoMbSHeLL○KIMBER KASH° ♡★417-368-7808*Great specialS - 26
(Springfield, VERY nice and upscale incall location)
*▓ ▒ ☆.•* L✪ ✪K *•.❤ ▒ ▓ *❤I'm BACK BOYS ••♥♥•• Warm&T;¡GhT★ I Do It The Best!!REVIEWED - 24
(Springfield, s-field in call/outcall)
last day leaving @ NOON TOMORROW 50hr special incall and outcall - 33
(Springfield, north spgfld/ branson)
L(O)(O)KING 4 a QUALITY Reviewed Provider? ☎ CALL ME! WEEK END SPECIALS!! - 25
(incall..outcall all areas!)
♡ let my lips do the exploring☆★♡ Best in town 💰 50 special 💰 - 36
(Springfield, Springfield Branson)
💔 let my lips show u how southern girls do it better *50* special incall & outcall in spgfld & branson - 35
(Springfield, spfld and branson area incall and outcal)
♥ ! Limited Time HUrry BaBY♥ Ebony Dominican Mix Beauty ! ♥120 Outcall Special♥ New 1 Night Only - 20
** {LOOK} NeW GiRL iN ToWN!*Pretty ~ Hott ~ & Tempting~ Treat yourself ! :) - 23
(Springfield, Springfield, mo)
🎀hot busty curvy ready to play🎀 👄 *60 special* *new pics* - 21
(Springfield, springfield outcall only)
💣 JACKPOT 💎 🎰 💎 _ 💕A L L A N A 💕 _ 🌠SaSsYLou🌠_I'M_BACK BOYZ 💋💙 - 28
(Springfield, Springfield☆★ OUTCALL ONLY.. incall)
★ L(☻) (☻)K **SeXY* ♥ ===► ★ Cali Beach Babe ★NEW - 22
(Springfield, springfield (in call avail) outcall)
100 Spec (( PaSSiONATE & iNDEPENDENT BrUNETTE )) 1st CLaSS HoTTiE W/ A {[ KiLLeR BoDy!]} ◄ - 28
(Springfield, Springfield Incall / Outcall)
♥° Sensual & Erotic FULL Body Massage ° ♥ ((7DAYS A WEEK,,call me)) ;-) - 26
(Springfield, incall and outcall 7 days a week)
Come Find me If you Can!!! - 22
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, OutCall)
Korean Carol has entered the building... - 23
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, Outcall)
Jasmine is now available! Sweet kisses and hugs! - 23
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, Outcall)
♥•° Sensual & Erotic FULL Body Massage •° ♥ ((AVAILABLE 7DAYS A WEEK)) ;-) - 26
(Springfield, incall and outcall 7 days a week)
💙🆕 Here From Dallas, We Do It Best💦💦 TRUST☝️ SammySosa👩💄💋 BEAUTIFUL💃 Most Requested😻😻 Jaw Dropping🆕♥️ - 23
(Joplin, Kansas City, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, Anywhere I need to be;))
Check out today's specials...Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese Girls! - 22
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, OutCall)
💣💯👑c0m3 LeT KiRsTiE eAsE yOuR mInD✔💎👑4175450743 incall or outcall - 23
(anywhere u need me, Springfield)
ȯ Beautiful Brunette HOTTIE w/ AMAZING SKILLS & KiLLER CURVES! ȯ 100hhr In & 180hr Out - 28
(Springfield, South Springfield In/Outcalls 24/7)