Fri 10 Jan
💲💲💲🌹🌹🌹💋💋💋🍒🍒🍒FuN TiMeS WiTh 2 BeAuTiEs WoRtH yOuR WhILe So WhAt U wAiTiNg 4? 🍒🍒🍒💋💋💋🌹🌹🌹💲 - 23
(Springfield, springfield mo)
X ♥ X ♥ SWEET & JuCee EXOTiC Goddess X ♥ X ♥ 100 Monday - 69
(Springfield, Springfield & LEAVE 100% Satisfied ¡)
TrUe DefiNiTiOn Of SeXy ☆ ClAsSy uPsCaLe BrUNeTTe 100% ReaL & InDePeNdeNT! 100 HaLf hR - 28
(Springfield, Springfield Incalls/Outcall Special 24/7)
*sOoOo SEXY * aLL NaTuRaL BrUNeTTe HoTTie w/ KiLLeR LeGGz & aMaZiNg BoDy * 100 iN & 180 OuT sPeCiAL - 28
(Springfield, South Springfield Incall/Outcalls)
°SeXy*SweeT*BlOnDe* BoMbSHeLL○KIMBER KASH° ♡★417-368-7808*Great specialS - 26
(Springfield, VERY nice and upscale incall location)
♡ let my lips do the exploring☆★♡ Best in town 💰 50 special 💰 - 36
(Springfield, Springfield Branson)
** {LOOK} NeW GiRL iN ToWN!*Pretty ~ Hott ~ & Tempting~ Treat yourself ! :) - 23
(Springfield, Springfield, mo)
💙🆕 Here From Dallas, We Do It Best💦💦 TRUST☝️ SammySosa👩💄💋 BEAUTIFUL💃 Most Requested😻😻 Jaw Dropping🆕♥️ - 23
(Joplin, Kansas City, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, Anywhere I need to be;))
ȯ Beautiful Brunette HOTTIE w/ AMAZING SKILLS & KiLLER CURVES! ȯ 100hhr In & 180hr Out - 28
(Springfield, South Springfield In/Outcalls 24/7)
100 NEW Exotic Beauty w/ Carmel Juicy Booty + Hour Glass Frame 100 FREAK FRiDAY SPECiAL - 69
(Springfield, Springfield & LEAVE 100% Satisfied ¡)
Thu 09 Jan
YOU Will L0VE My Skills .. GOREGOUS BRUNETTE BEAUTY.. All You Need & More ★ WeLL ReVieWeD!! - 28
(Springfield, Springfield In/Outcalls 24/7)
Reviewed Brunette TreaT💕💜💋💕 💕💜💋💕99 $pecials TODAY ONLY ((2 Girls)) - 26
(Springfield, north Springfield)
*•°o☆ EXTREMELY ADDICTIVE ♥ SeXy SeDuCTreSS ☆ YoU WiLL LOVE My SkiLLs ☆°o*•° - 30
(Springfield, Spfd Incall/Outcalls 24/7)
YOU Will L0VE My Skills .. GOREGOUS BRUNETTE BEAUTY.. All You Need & More ★ WeLL ReVieWeD!! - 30
(Springfield, Springfield In/Outcalls 24/7)
HoT LiKe FiRe🔥🔥 SwEeT LiKe CaNdY🍭🍬🍭 Sexxi &SeDuCtiVe;💋💋 - 26
(Springfield, Springfield & Surrounding Area in/out)
25 year old MALE offering sensual massage with my strong hands! You will leave satisfied 💦real pics - 25
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
💖💖B@D GIRL💋💋99$peçiaL💋💋Be The FiRsT to Get The 🌟STAR🌟TreatMent💖💖 - 25 - 25
(Springfield, incall or out. north)
ȯ BEAUTIFUL Brunette HOTTIE w/ AMAZING Skills & EnTiCiNg Body ȯ WeLL ReViEwEd - 29
(Springfield, Springfield Incall & Outcalls 24/7)
Don't let a good thing pass you up ;) Angie's here one more!! - 25
(Springfield, Springfield , marshfield surrounding)
❤️Brunette Bombshell!! 💣 Spontaneous!! 💋 & curvy in all the right ✔️ places!!! - 23
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
💟💦BLONDES do it BETTER💦💟 💋Kendra💋 available NOW💋√305-709-3104√ 💦ask about an OVERNIGHTER💦 - 25
(Springfield, Springfield mo)
************ NoW In Springfield ************ Big Booty Playmate Diamond - 23
(Springfield, South Springfield / E Monastery St)
NEW!! $weet & JuCee $pecial .... You Will Tapout Guarenteed or Your $ Back - 22
(Springfield, I'll make your fantasy come true)
Wed 08 Jan
( ExTremeLy SEXY BruNette ) °o•★©•° ADDICTIVE CuTie W/ a SMaCkABle BooTy & WeLL ReVieWeD - 29
💚Gorgeous Blonde Sexy Vixen At your Disposal💚$100 Specials INcalls - 30
(Springfield, Springfield & Surrounding)
All Natural BUSTY 36DD ❤GORGEOUS ❤ ❤SEXY❤ »Amazing Sweet MOM Next Door ❤ - 45
(Springfield, Springfield & Surrounding Area)
Classy Lady with a Big SURPRISE in her PANTIES! - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
Satisfy Your Secret Shemale Desires: - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
•*'"* ೋ ☆ WARNING ☆ ೋ I'M* ೋ ☆ BACK ☆ ೋೋBOYZ ೋUR •*'"*• ADDICTIVE •*'"* ೋ ☆«« Addiction»»☆ ೋ ೋ•*'"*• - 28
You have had the rest..... Now try the best!! You will be pleased in more ways than one ;) - 25
(Springfield, Springfield , Branson, surrounding)
YES... AVAILBLE 🌹⬆ Real Dreams ⬆💋 INCALL🌹 417°•720°0369🌹 outCALL 💋 yEs CaLL💋 - 26
(OUTcall •°• INCALL ☆ Springfield MO, Springfield)
You don't want to miss My hot Body! 99$pecial today only - 24
(Springfield, north incall. or outcall)
»- (¯`v´¯)- »- : - ஐ ;- G U A ® A N T D P L E A S U R E - ¦ -»-(¯`v´¯)-» ❤ - 19
Last Day In Town !Available 24/7 Miss Nya EBONY E-D-I-B-L-E - 18
(Springfield, Springfield+Branson and Surrounding ..)
INDEPENDENT: Exotic and Passionate Fun for U! - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
let my lips show u how southern girls do it better special 50☆ outcall and incall - 35
(Springfield, Springfield and branson)
♡ let my lips do the exploring☆★♡ my birthday is Sunday let's celebrate all week 💰 50 special 💰 - 35
(Springfield, Springfield Branson)
100 SpeCIaL ♥ DaNgrOuS ~ CuRvs ( 5 STAR SRv!C ; ) FLaWLsS~ CuT¡ ♥ - 27
(Springfield, Springfield area Incall & Outcalls)