Mon 27 Jan
{{ S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y }} * * * {{ S-P-E-C-I-A-L-S }} (( 417//521//4678 )) ReAdY NoW! - 23
(Springfield, 100 $pecial)
Pεachz & Creme waiting 4u ♡ßεautiful♥ ßußßly ßrunεttε w/ BLONDE & RED SPICE Avaiℓaßℓε Now ★♛ °☆° - 23
(Springfield, north Springfield)
!!NEW!! The DIAMOND n The Ruff.. And thats How she likes it!! NOW!!NEW!! - 22
(Springfield, Springfield, mo)
Hi guys, its Alyssa a.k.a XratedQT. Back in Ft. Wood to show you what it's supposed to be like!! - 24
(Springfield, Ft. Leonard Wood/ St. Robert)
$eXi~ tHiCk~ fIeStY& SO HyPnOtiC! !*UnBeLiEvAbLe $pEcIaLs aLLdAy & nIgHt. dOn'T mIsS oUt! 1oF aKiNd. - 26
Sun 12 Jan
ALERT!!! Super Petite, Sugar & Spice and everything nice, Thats what girls are made of :) - 30
(Springfield, Springfield Baby!!)
Sat 11 Jan
MiDwEsTs FiNeSt!! cOmE n tAsTe ThIs HoNey!!! $100* oUtCaLL* $pEcIaL* ~TrUcKeR * FrIeNdLy~ - 27
(Springfield, & sUrRoUnDiNg *oUtCaLL $pecial*)
→ExTrEmElY $kILlEd $WeeT n $LIPPERY 100% REAL F R E A K Y** DEE - 28
(Springfield, Springfield $PECIAL$!!!!!!!)
NEW PICS! **No~1 does It Like MyA! SeXy*CuRvAcIoUs* lAtE nIgHT & eArLy BYrD * $PeCiAL$! - 26
(Springfield, SpRiNgFiELd (iN/oUtCaLLz))
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
→ExTrEmElY $kILlEd $WeeT n $LIPPERY 100% REAL F R E A K Y** DEE Last Chance - 28
(Springfield, Springfield $PECIAL$!!!!!!!)
*** BRRR! IT'S COLD OUTSIDE *** Warm Up Inside ... MoNDaY NiTe $PECIAL * * * * - 69
pReTTy As HeAvEn sWeeT aS hELL, bEsTmOuTh iN tHe SoUtH!! $pEcIaL$ 80oUtCaLLs - 27
(Springfield, *& sUrRoUnDiNg *oUtCaLL $pecial*)
Wed 08 Jan
2girl $pecial$ meet Baily&Indygo.we; R fun and unstoppable! satisfaction garanteed - 25
(Springfield, 2 girl $pecial$all night limited time!)
Thick, Sexy, Intriguing Delight..C=m pl♧y 80 $pecials - 27
(Springfield, Springfield Mo, surrounding areas)
Tha BaDDest Chic!! XratedQT, your video vixen - AVAILABLE NOW!!!! to do what I do - YouKnoWaTiTiZ!!! - 24
(Springfield, Springfield Baby!!)
**Low $pecials TONIGHT ONLY ***** Any way you want ***** Fetish & Fantasy ***** Aim to please! ***** - 30
Tue 07 Jan
have a piece of KAMI ! you will lov3 my big beautiful BOOB$ - 38
(Springfield, springfield ,in & out calls $pecial$)
Angel Face* tHiCk~ cUrVy& SO HyPnOtiC *UnBeLiEvAbLe 80$pEciAL$ eArLyByRd, LuNcH& lAtEnIgHt too! - 26
(Springfield, SpRiNgFiELd (iN/oUtCaLLs))
Mon 06 Jan
hottest , un rushed, session you'll find, I'm trinity, call 417-365-1986 - 23
(Springfield, $ pringfield)
Sun 05 Jan
Treat yourself!!, I'm the only #1 417-380-9482 . im Baily...25 - 25
(Springfield, incall $pe$ials all night starting now!!)
Fri 03 Jan
★SεxiPεachz★ Here waiting 4¥♡Ußεautiful♥ ßußßly ßrunεttε €reamy & Tight Avaiℓaßℓε Now ★♛ °☆° - 23
(Springfield, north Springfield)
EXOTIC💋💕 *TASTY NEW💋💕 ^p $€ALE Green Eyed 💕 Beauty ★100% REAL *💋100% $G - 23
(Springfield, north Springfield)