Mon 27 Jan
rEdHoTT ReDhEaD!!! all NaTuRaL $80 SpEciALs$ * TrUcKeR fRiEnDly* - 27
(Springfield, Spfld/north side)
rEdHoT!! sExY,tHiCk, sEdUcTiVe & SiNfULLy Swe3T! 75$pEcIaL. dOnT mIsSoUt! - 24
(Springfield, nOrThSiDe, in/outcall)
o★o° Petite Brunette Midwest Bombshell °o★o° Incall / Outcall Available NOW - 20
(Springfield, Springfield your place or mine)
mIsS hOnEy iS bAcK!! ReDDhOtt! $80 in/ OuT cAll * $pEcIaL * aMaZiNg LiPs & UnFoRgEtAbLe HiPs!! - 27
(Springfield, & surrounding)
MiSs hOnEy is BaCk *NEW PICS* rEddHoTT! $100 OUT cALL $pEcIaL * aMaZiNg LiPs & UnFoRgEtAbLe HiPs!! - 27
(Springfield, & surrounding)
Sun 12 Jan
aLL nAutRaL rEdHoTT ReDhEaD! out call $pEcIAl$ TrUcKeR fRiEnDly - 27
(Springfield, Spfld/north side)
Sat 11 Jan
SaS$y cOuNtRy cUtiE wItH a B()()ty! $80 out cAll $pecial! tRuCkEr fRiEnDLy - 28
(Out CaLL Springfield, Springfield)
*n3w PiCs*TheRe aIn'T nOtHiN sWeEtEr ThAn HoNeY! tHIcK&sExY;! 70$pEcIaLs 24/7 tRuCkEr FRiEndLy - 26
(Springfield, nOrThSiDe, incall)
☆$fLd$ Mo$t FiNe$t!☆VoTeD BeSt N tHe MiDwEsT! ($pCLz24/7! 1 wiLL NeVeR ReGrEt or FoRgEt!♡ - 28
(Springfield, $fLd♥iN/0UtCaLLz♥#1ChOiCe)
cOmE & sAvOr ThIs MiDwEsT pEaCh!!!! 75$LuNcH, LaTeNiTe& eArLyByRd $pEcIALS dOnT mIsSoUt! - 24
(Springfield, nOrThSiDe, in/outcall)
Mesmerizing Experience!!! In or Outcalls available (Visiting) I'M HERE LIMITED TIME ONLY!!! - 27
(Joplin, Lake Of The Ozarks, Springfield, Springfield, MO)
mIsS hOnEy iS bAcK!! ReDDhOtt! $80 OuT cAll * $pEcIaL * aMaZiNg LiPs & UnFoRgEtAbLe HiPs!! - 27
(Springfield, & surrounding)
Mesmerizing Experience!!! In or Outcalls available (Visiting) I'M HERE LIMITED TIME ONLY!!! - 27
(Joplin, Lake Of The Ozarks, Springfield, Springfield, MO)
Fri 10 Jan
MiSs hOnEy is BaCk!! rEddHoTT! $100 OUT cALL $pEcIaL * aMaZiNg LiPs & UnFoRgEtAbLe HiPs!! - 27
(Springfield, & surrounding)
♥❤0UTCALLS❤♥ ~Curvy Georgous LATINA College Girl~ ✔REAL ★SWEET AND CUTE★ Call NOW!!!!!! - - 20
(Springfield, Springfield MO)
•-:¦:-• The Best Desserts are Served HOT! !!★ AND ★ With HONEY!!! •-:¦:-• NEW PICS - 29
Thu 09 Jan
rEdHoT!! sExY,tHiCk, aNg3L fAcE w/a SiNfULL sMi!3 mIdWeSt PeAcHeS N cReAm?! C'umIn gEt iT! - 24
(Springfield, nOrThSiDe, in/outcall)
aLL nAutRaL rEdHoTT ReDhEaD! $80 in/out call $pEcIAl$ TrUcKeR fRiEnDly - 27
(Springfield, Spfld/north side)
Your Best Playtoy with a Nice Petite Body VISITING !!! (IN or OUT)I Am The Ultimate Experience - 27
(Springfield, Springfield, MO)
MiSs hOnEy is BaCk!! rEddHoTT! $80 OUT cALL $pEcIaL * aMaZiNg LiPs & UnFoRgEtAbLe HiPs!! - 27
(Springfield, & surrounding)
HOtt* SaSsy* tHiCk* bLoNdE*80 $PeCiAL$ all NiTe* ~TrUcKeR fRiEnDly~ - 27
(Spfld/north side, Springfield)
Wed 08 Jan
**Low $pecials TONIGHT ONLY ***** Any way you want ***** Fetish & Fantasy ***** Aim to please! ***** - 30
PuRdy aS hEaVeN & sWeeT aS hEll *REdHott ReDhEaD* BesT MoutH ~N~ Tha SoutH * tRuCkEr fRieNdLy* $pec - 28
(Springfield, Spfld/north side)
Tue 07 Jan
mIsS hOnEy iS bAcK!! ReDDhOtt! $80 OuT cAll * $pEcIaL * aMaZiNg LiPs & UnFoRgEtAbLe HiPs!! - 27
(Springfield, & surrounding)
Mesmerizing Experience HERE VISITING from KC!!! In or Outcalls available LIMITED TIME ONLY!!! - 27
(Joplin, Lake Of The Ozarks, Springfield, Springfield, MO)
Mon 06 Jan
HOtt* SaSsy* tHiCk* RedHead *80 $PeCiAL$ all NiTe* ~TrUcKeR fRiEnDly~ - 27
(Spfld/north side, Springfield)
Sun 05 Jan
•-:¦:-• The Best Desserts are Served HOT! !!★ AND ★ With HONEY!!! •-:¦:-•VISITING 11/9-10 - 29
Sat 04 Jan
Thu 02 Jan