Mon 27 Jan
Requested by discreetness outcall special ready now - 24
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
Sexy ^ Çlassy ^ Petite ^ Sweet ^ Sensual ^ Passionate ALL IN 1 PACKAGE ☆Outcall Only☆ - 27
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
~ Sexy Red~long legs~cutie with a big booty - 22 - 22
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
°SeXy*SweeT*BlOnDe* BoMbSHeLL○KIMBER KASH° ♡★417-368-7808*Great specialS - 26
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
* * $ ~ % ~ ( Super Sexy, Fun/, Sinfully Sweet, Yummy Little Treat! ) ~ % ~ $ * * - - 22
(Springfield, springfield and surrounding areas)
Playtime Gents! Let a real lady rock your world🌹417-297-1647-34 - 34
(Springfield, Springfield, MO and Surrounding Areas)
°°o©° COME °°o©° SEE °° o©° WHAT°°o© YOU'VE °° o© BEEN °MISSING°° o© - 20
(Springfield, and surrounding areas. OUTcallONLY)
Out Call Provided Come Check Out This Out Of Control Juice Box - 27
(Springfield, springfield and surrounding areas)
💎SexiiRed@k@Lexee💎💋100% REAL💋 Available 24/7 - 19
(Springfield, Springfield MO and surrounding areas)
💎SexiiRed@k@Diamond Princess💎💋100% REAL💋 Available 24/7 - 18
(Springfield, Springfield MO and surrounding areas)
▃▃▃ ✘ℴ PORN STAR ✘ℴ ▃▃▃▐▐ Drop Dead Gorgeous!▐▐ ▃▃▃ ✘ℴ Double D BUSTY Redhead ✘ℴ ▃▃▃ Going ON TOUR!! - 26
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas IN OUT)
*NEW PICS*♡♡SEXY NEW to town!!! ♡♡Waiting 4 U!!!♡♡ and Looking 4 Fun !! 314 450-6396 - 25
(St. Louis, Your place or mine in south St. Louis)
💞HOT & SWEET💋My skills can't be beat👅Come on boys let dis 💯% Real freak put u 2sleep😴 - 30
(Springfield, Springfield,and surrounding areas)
Holiday Special 🎅!!! ❤️Curvy in all the right places ✔✔ - 24
(Springfield, Springfield and Surrounding Areas!!)
I Love What I Do Let Me Show You($75 specials) - 22
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
*~£°.§~Hey Guys cassie's ready and been waiting to play Dont waste your$get with the best honey~€°.* - 22
(Springfield, springfield mo. and surrounding areas)
hey hey now boys its friday and leah is here !!☀🌕 - 19
(Springfield, Springfield and Surrounding Areas)
~*•°!~Hi gentleman its cassie im dying to play with somebody call me baby!!!~°•*~ - 22
(Springfield, springfield, MO and surrounding areas)
%%% /// GeOrGeOuS, YoUnG, BeAuTiFul, BlOnDe!! PlEaSuRe -UnMeAsUrEd!!@ \\\ %%% - 23
(Springfield, springfield and surrounding areas)
*¤°. Hey There are you looking for the sweetest gift for yourself?! then you found it call me!!.°¤* - 23
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
°.*¤~ Hey gentleman its the 1 and only Classy Mrs.Cassie CALL ME! ~¤*.° - 23
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
*~£°.§~Hey Guys are you ready to be completely satasifed? Then call me ill drive you wild!!~€°.* - 22
(Springfield, springfield mo. and surrounding areas)
*.•.Hey Guys This is your sexy firecracker Cassie!!~.*•.* - 23
(Springfield, springfield,joplin and surrounding areas)
ʗʘʍɛ ••$ee ♚ τʜe ♚ ℬest ♚♚♚♚ Ϝσʀget ♚♚♚ ₳ʙout ♚ ₳ll ♚ τʜe ♚♚♚ ʀeʂʈ♚♚♚♚♚♚♚ - 26
(Springfield, Springfield and all surrounding areas)
.°¤*. Hey guys it's the sweet and sassy cassie and I'm here waiting on you!!.*¤°. - 23
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
.*.*~Hey guys call me to make your dreams come true no matter what it takes~.*.* - 22
(Springfield, springfield mo. and surrounding areas)
Hey there its me rain ;p ready for a new experience... - 22
(Springfield, Springfield and Surrounding Areas)
*.°•Hello Again Cassie here ready and waiting to meet some new Friends CALL ME ANYTIME!! XOXO*.°• - 23
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
Sun 12 Jan
2 girl**2girl^specials! why have 1 when u can have 2??? - 21
(Springfield, springfield and surrounding areas outcal)
Come One; come All! SeXy Southren Entertainment! Incall&OutCall;👄TruCkeR Friendly!!💋☎352-469-0383☎ - 24
(Springfield, Springfield and Surrounding areas)
❤️Brunette Bombshell!! 💣 Spontaneous!! 💋 & curvy in all the right ✔️ places!!! - 24
(Springfield, Springfield and Surrounding Areas!!)
Sat 11 Jan
💋Thick * Delicious*Fun Size* Hottie* 417-344-8577💋 - 28
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
Good Girl Wants to Be Bad... Nellie 417-599-4759 - 28
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
★°o© {SNEAK} °o© {AWAY} °o© {&}°o© {COME} °o© {PLAY} °o© °o©°TONITE ONLY - 22
*.·♡¤Hey guys do you know what's better than cassie alone? Me With one off my gfs!! CALL US¤♡·.* - 23
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
100% Satisfaction Exsperience you will never forget Diamond 1417-619-4331 - 26
☆☆Young, Cute N Lots Of Fun☆☆ Always A Great Time To Call 913*215*1105 - 25
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
~~~~ what your body desires ~~~~ ** NEW ** HOTT!!! *outcall and incall* - 22
(Springfield, springfield and surrounding areas)
~~~Treat YOURself to a Little Extra Loving~~~ - 30
(Springfield, southeast incall and outcall SPECIALS)
Slim and Sexy. Ready to Play! Freaky Friday Specials! - 27
(Springfield, springfield and surrounding areas in&out;)
L O O K====* SwEEt * __ &__* SeXy *______* EX0TiC *_______ ♥♥ HoTTiE - 25
(Springfield, Springfield & Surrounding Area OUTCALLS)
~*CALL RACHEL*~ **Gorgeous*Thick*Curvy** ~*913*215*1105*~ - 25
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
★°o© HOT hot HOT hot °o© °★° sexxy lil PETITE sweet heart ready to serve you !!!!! - 22
:*¨¨*Brand New Petite Bombshell DONTMISSME*: - 25
(Springfield, Springfield and Surrounding Areas)
Fri 10 Jan