Sat 11 Jan
Tis the season treat yourself417-331-0493 call or text today!!$100 incalls! - 50
(branson/surround areas, Springfield)
Fri 10 Jan
let me take ur stress away new number 417-429-6553 - 49
(Springfield, ozark/springfield/branson/surround areas)
Fresh Hands, Young Women, Let me take your Holiday Stress away.. 100.00 hourly - 29
(Springfield, ozark/springfield/branson/surround areas)
Thu 09 Jan
#1 stress relief is me 217-819-6043$125hrly im waiting for u. - 49
(Springfield, ozark/springfield/branson/surround areas)
let me take ur stress away 217 819 6043 - 49
(Springfield, ozark/springfield/branson/surround areas)
Happy 2016 let the pampering begin 417-331-0493 call or text today!!$100 incalls! - 50
(branson/surround areas, Springfield)
pampering ready and waiting417-331-0493 call or text today!!$100 incalls! - 50
(branson/surround areas, Springfield)
Wed 08 Jan
let me take all your stress away new number 417-331-0493 call or text today!! - 49
(branson/surround areas, Springfield)
Moving back home will be gone soon 417-331-0493 call or text today!!$100 incalls! - 50
(branson/surround areas, Springfield)
Tue 07 Jan