Mon 27 Jan
★ RELAXATION ★ No FuSs ★ No RuSh 100% ALL Me SaTiSfAcTiOn GuArEnTeEd ★ 100% real Specials - 29
(Springfield, Springfield,Branson,and surrounding)
Hot Freak WiTh 36DD 100% All Me!!! SaTiSfAcTiOn GuArEnTeEd!! No RuSh, No FuSs, SpEcIaLs $100 - 28
(Springfield, springfield,branson,and surrounding)
Hey guys its the Candace yall kno and love and i have my friend Roxy with me tonight!! - 22
(Springfield, Springfield branson and surrounding area)
💋💋 hey GUYS the incredibly sexy Candace is leaving brightn early! ;) - 24
(Springfield, Springfield branson and surrounding area)
Hot Freaks WiTh 36DD 100% All us!!! SaTiSfAcTiOn GuArEnTeEd!! No RuSh, No FuSs, SpEcIaLs $100 - 28
(Springfield, springfield,branson,and surrounding)
hey its my last NITE🌙🌙 in TOWN come get a SHOT of BUSTY BRANDY!!!!! 50HR - 33
(Springfield, springfield branson and surrounding area)
Hey guys 2 GIRLS are BETTER than 1 come have fun with BRANDY and MACY from OKLAHOMA!!!!(120 special) - 33
(Springfield, Springfield Branson and surrounding area)
hey SPRINGFIELD guys come SNEAK away and get a pre FATHERS DAY special with a OKLAHOMA girl!!! 50hr - 23
💋💋 hey GUYS the incredibly sexy Candace is back in springfield and I don't mind traveling ta !! ;) - 24
(Springfield, Springfield branson and surrounding area)
cuddle up and play with my natural 40jjj outcall only - 24
(Springfield, Springfield, Branson, and surrounding)
Come see what all the fuss is about!! CANDACE is soo hott she'll melt ALL ur stress away!! - 22
(Springfield, Springfield branson and surrounding area)
CliCk Me!! Im eXaCtLy WaT uR LoOkInG 4! BrAnD nEw pIcS. DoNt MiSs OuT oN tHe ChAnCe Of a LiFeTiMe - 22
(Springfield, Springfield branson and surrounding area)
Sun 12 Jan
come play with my natural 40jjj outcall only - 24
(Springfield, Springfield, Branson, and surrounding)
Sat 11 Jan
Hey GUYS 🚶🚶its HOT🔥🔥 outside come COOL down💦💦 with BRANDY'S💃💃 WATERMELONS🍉🍉 - 33
Ready 2 have some fun♡♡♡♡..... - 26
(SE Missouri, Springfield, Springfield and Branson surrounding area, St. Louis)
~~~Treat YOURself to a Little Extra Loving~~~ - 30
(Springfield, southeast incall and outcall SPECIALS)
2 SUPER BUSTY & LUSTY * bombshells * GrEeN EyEs CALL us!! 100% Real 2 girl special ** - 26 - 29
(Springfield, Springfield,Branson,and surrounding)
caution BRANDY and CANDY are SLIPPERY when W E T new girls from OKLAHOMA!!! 100HR FOR BOTH GIRLS - 28
(Springfield, Springfield branson and surrounding area)
Fri 10 Jan
BURR!!!! its COLD outside come WARM up with some EGGNOG and a SHOT of BRANDY!!! (80.00 special) - 33
(Branson Springfield and surrounding area, Springfield)
Looking to Spice up my Weekend.Cant wait To Hear from You.Text me. 70.00 hhr & 100.00hr 417-365-7279 - 30
(branson and surrounding areas, Springfield)
CURVY gorgeous ready and willing FUN $$$ in spfld limited time 2 girl dueos - 21
(Springfield, spfld in/out)
FOUR hands are better than Two!! TWO girls for PRICE of ONE!!!150.00 hr and 100.00 hhr 417-365-3890 - 30
(branson and surrounding areas, Springfield)
Thu 09 Jan
☆CANDACE Here 24/7☆Check Me Out N Leave Satisfied☆ - 24
(Springfield, Springfield branson and surrounding area)
Bad Asx ¥ellow βone√ cause I'm sweet n 💦like honey! - 25
(Springfield, Springfield,and surrounding area branson)
EXECUTIVE ESCORTS 24/7 CALL NOW!! 314-845-3333 - 27
(St. Louis, Airport/Chesterfield/Clayton/Fenton/stl)
Wed 08 Jan
Candace is here ta melt all ur stress away ;) - 23
(Springfield, Springfield branson and surrounding area)
It Doesnt Get ANY SweeTer Special.....In and OuT....I'm sure to Please.....YOU - 30
(Springfield, southeast incall and outcall SPECIALS)
Last Day In Town !Available 24/7 Miss Nya EBONY E-D-I-B-L-E - 18
(Springfield, Springfield+Branson and Surrounding ..)
Tue 07 Jan
Its EASY as ABC BRANDY and CANDACE combined!!!! - 23
(Branson springfield and surrounding area, Springfield)
CAUT!ON!!! T!GHT bUt sLiPpErY WhEn wEt!!! TaStY BrUnEtTe, tReAt.... UmMmMm SoOoooo TaStY - 21
BRANSON and SPRINGFIELD guys come get a NITE CAP special with BUSTY BRANDY!!!!!(80.00 hr) - 30
(branson springfield and surrounding area, Springfield)
2 SUPER BUSTY & LUSTY * bombshells* All us !! 100% Real * No FuSs, No RuSh special - 29
(Springfield, Springfield,Branson,and surrounding)
BACK by POPULAR demand your BUSTY OKIE girl BRANDY!!!!! 80 special - 33
(Springfield, springfield branson and surrounding area)
Mon 06 Jan
Total Package! Natalie Nicole Wants You!!! 2HOTTGirls4 you available too...? - 23
(Spfld/All surrounding areas)
★♡★ Tight ★♡★ Tanned ★♡★ Toned ★♡★ Sexy ★♡★ - 25 - 25
(Springfield, Springfield,and surrounding area branson)
SUPER BUSTY & LUSTY * bombshell* All Me !! 100% Real * No FuSs, No RuSh $80 special - 29
(Springfield, Springfield,Branson,and surrounding)
~~~~Treat YourSelf to Something Sweet and Smooth~~~~ - 30
(Springfield, Springfield/Branson Out call Special)
Hump Day Specials.. All Night Text for details.. 417-365-7352 - 30
(branson and surrounding areas, Springfield)
Sun 05 Jan
specials tonight only!!! Dont miss out!! TRUCKER FRIENDLY!! ;) - 24
(Springfield, Springfield branson and surrounding area)
Sat 04 Jan
~~~Treat YOURself to a Little Extra Loving~~~OUTCALL and INCALL Specials - 30
(Springfield, North Springfield)
SUPER BUSTY & LUSTY * bombshell * GrEeN EyEs CALL me!! 100% Real special ** - 26 - 29
(Springfield, Springfield,Branson,and surrounding)
Hey BRANDY is back come cool down with this OKLAHOMAS WATERMELONS!!! 50hr - 23
~~~Early Morning Incall Special....Come Rub on my Silky Smooth Skin~~~ - 30
(Springfield, Branson/Springfield In/OutCalls)
CliCk Me!! Im eXaCtLy WaT u LoOkInG 4! BrAnD nEw SEXY pIcS. DoNt MiSs OuT oN tHe ChAnCe Of a LiFeTiM - 22
(Springfield, Springfield branson and surrounding area)
fine like wine essence will have you drunken inlove - 25
(Springfield, Branson and surrounding areas in)
Fri 03 Jan
💋💋 hey GUYS the incredibly sexy Candace IS BAAAACCCCKKKK!! HURRY AND COME SEE ME!! Im waiting!! ;) - 24
(Springfield, Springfield branson and surrounding area)
Thu 02 Jan